Freitag, 8. Februar 2013

Walimex lens for mobile phone

Walimex lens for mobile phones

The Walimex lenses are actually made for IPhones, but fit nicely on nearly any phone or tablet (even the Blackberry Playbook). The lens gets attached via a magnetic ring that sticks to the phone, so you don't have to walk around with it all the time.

Since Walimex is a well known DSLR-lens manufacturer, I thought I give it a try. I got a fisheye and a telephoto lens.

The lenses came with covers for front and back, which is great for carrying around in a bag, without damaging them.


All photos are made with my Nexus 4.

Without lens

With fisheye 180°

With telephoto lens 2x

More fisheye fotos


The photos are great and creative. Initially I bought them for panoramic pictures (since photosphere and the panorama function are quite messy), but they are great, especially if you want to see more on your pictures.

They are cheaper if you buy them in a set, and I am thinking of getting more of them.

Have fun, DrFritzi